Poster size should not be beyond 3 x 4 feet in dimensions.
ACS proudly sponsor 9 best poster presentation award in IUMRS-ICA 2022
Transport Facilities from Hotels to Conference Venue


We are furnishing below some details about the exhibition and sponsorship. We invite you to become a sponsorer for one of the following categories.

Diamond(INR) 2,00,000/-A booth and 3 complimentary registrations
Platinum(INR) 1,50,000/-A booth and 2 complimentary registrations
Gold(INR) 1,00,0002 complimentary registrations
** GST extra

The charges for the advertisement that would be inserted in the abstract booklet/souvenir are as under.

Back cover coloured(INR) 75,000/-
Inside front (full)(INR) 75,000/-
Inside back page (full)(INR) 60,000/-
Full page(INR) 50,000/-
** GST extra

For more details and enquiry, kindly email at